Our Mission
We believe the problems facing Trumbull County are our problems and we aim to solve them, not on our own but together. When we see crime rates higher in Trumbull than anywhere in Ohio and when we see human trafficking in our region is ranked #4 in the entire United States, we are moved to tears. And now, we are moved to action.
We believe that we will see God positively change our region like He’s done in cities across America.
The vast majority of inmates in our prison are from single-parent homes, namely homes without a father.
The vast majority of those who are homeless and those who are trafficked are those who entered the foster care system. When we heard this, it broke our hearts and God set us on a mission.
How do we lower the percentage of single parent homes? How do we strengthen families and marriages? We teach them how to humble themselves and love one another. Where is that taught? In churches.
How do we reduce the number of drug overdose deaths to 100 or less annually? Not by making Narcan more accessible as some suggest. That’s putting a bandaid on a symptom instead of curing the disease. The disease is hopelessness. The cure? Jesus Christ. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth & the life… I have come to give you abundant life.” All who’ve given their hearts to Jesus have discovered this truth.
How do we get every child currently in the system in Trumbull County adopted or reunited with their biological parents after they recover? We inform Christian families through our partners. We encourage them to create lasting change in the life of a child by loving them as our Heavenly Father has loved us and made us His own. Psalm 68:5-6. We love and patiently care for the foster child and the biological parents who are often simply hurting themselves.
In the spring of this year, a biological mom was not only befriended by Rock of Grace foster parents but brought to church. A month later, she accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. This summer, she tragically died but her eternity secure in the arms of Father God because Christians stood up and cared for not only the orphan but the struggling parents. A very similar situation just unfolded last week, in August. Biological parents, befriended by the foster parents, came to church and received Christ, only two days later getting into an head on collision nearly taking their lives. We believe caring for the parents is just as important as caring for the orphan. Yes, it’s hard but we believe that God calls us to do the hard things. His grace enables us for every good work.
How do we reduce violent crimes by 10%? We teach people the power of forgiveness and love through the Gospel of Jesus. Where is the Gospel preached? In churches.
This is why we are planting churches in Trumbull County. This is why we’re partnering with NOAS and Bella Women’s Center and others to see a positive, lasting change in our County. As our Ohio State Motto declares “With God, All Things Are Possible!”